For sellers in markets across the country, the 2020 shutdowns put a damper on their plans, causing them to delay listing their homes. The good news is that the real estate market is now holding steady, and many new listings stay on the market for just a few weeks or in some cases a few days. There is a lot of demand for the few homes on the market so there has never been a better time to put your home on the market. If you've been considering selling your property because you were waiting for it to reach its maximum value, this might be a good time for you to talk to one of our real estate agents about recent comparable sales in your local area. There are lots of buyers out there eagerly seeking their new home and needing larger properties as many are looking for work from home opportunities and home schooling. This is creating demand for more space. The good news is that post our drought we are finding an enormous interest in buyers wanting to move from Gauteng and Natal. To take advantage of this unique opportunity, we are ready to meet you to price your home competitively.
Author Sue Buxton